THE Scottish Government is to provide up to £9 million of emergency funding for Glasgow Subway and Edinburgh Trams in response to the financial pressure of the pandemic, which has slashed the amount of revenue normally earned from fares. Transport Scotland said the grants would apply up to the end of September. Talks have been under way for some time between Glasgow Subway operator Strathclyde Partnership for Transport and Edinburgh Trams, after SPT had warned that the lack of revenue was risking the subway service. It also criticised Transport Scotland for its lack of support, comparing it with emergency funding already agreed in England for trams and light rail, as well as buses and National Rail. Transport secretary Michael Matheson said: ‘The Glasgow Subway and Edinburgh Trams provide key connections within our two biggest cities and as we emerge through the stages of lockdown demand for public transport will continue to rise. The services provide essential capacity and link with bus, rail and park and ride facilities.’