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Siemens Mobility selects Softil software for LTE-R development

COMMUNICATIONS: Siemens Mobility is to use Softil’s BEEHD framework in the development of LTE-R communications technology to succeed GSM-R, and also mission-critical push-to-talk applications for transport use.

The next-generation data communication system is required to support ETCS and automatic train operation as well as secure voice communication between drivers and signallers, with provision for emergency and group calls and real-time video imagery. It must also support condition monitoring, connected driver advisory systems, telemetry, non-critical real-time video, wireless communication for on-train staff, and business communications including passenger information and entertainment.

‘The rail industry is at the forefront of the mission-critical communication revolution’, said Softil CEO Pierre Hagendorf on August 6. ‘GSM-R based systems have already been replaced by LTE-R in Asia-Pacific and the trend is expected to widen across other markets in 2019-20.’

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