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Steam heat returns (briefly) to main line in Spain

STEAM-heated mainline trains are now almost extinct across Europe but for a few days in late-January a charter train in Spain re-created the old atmosphere. 

UK rail holiday operator PTG Tours celebrated the 20th anniversary of its first rail tour by running the train in Spain. 

Steaming at dawn: ALSA No. 321 059 (2148) at Teruel on January 27. KEITH FENDER 

It was operated by open access operator ALSA Rail, which is owned by National Express, using 1965 vintage ex-RENFE Alco engine diesel No. 321 059. 

The train included a steam generator van to provide heat and with early morning temperatures dropping down below freezing plenty of steam was visible.

Read more in the March 2019 issue of The RM – on sale now!

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