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Train operators support ‘Brew Monday’

Train operators support ‘Brew Monday’

MANY railway staff are helping people today, on the day which is alleged to be the most difficult and depressing date in the calendar. Transpennine Express is providing free cups of tea and coffee, Network Rail volunteers are pouring warm drinks at stations in the Midlands and north west England, and staff from GWR and Network Rail in the west of England are joining Samaritans volunteers to hand out teabags and talk to passengers about the importance of reaching out for a chat. Meanwhile, ScotRail has paid a tribute to station staff Paul McElroy and Stephen Walsh at Dalmuir who protected a vulnerable person and made sure they did not come to any harm. ScotRail station manager Shirley Courtney said: ‘Stephen and Paul acted quickly professionally and compassionately. Their actions no doubt saved this person’s life and I’m extremely proud of them both. The power of conversation can never be underestimated and can make a huge difference in someone’s life.’

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